Travailler en atelier me manque un peu ces temps. Les petits-enfants, les foins et les journées ensoleillées m'en gardent éloigné. On me dit que l'aquarelle me convient mieux, mais je ne peux m'empêcher de me faire plaisir en jouant avec le pinceau en acrylique. Comme cette toile faite il y a quelques temps, à partir d'un croquis fait à Ornans. Je dois dire que j'en suis assez content.
I miss my studio. Our grandkids, making the hay and sunny days, so many things to keep me away from it. I am sometimes told that watercolor suits me better. Anyway I can't help loving to play with acrylic. Like by painting this acrylic a couple of weeks ago, from a sketch made in Ornans. I dare say that I'm quite happy with it.
I miss my studio. Our grandkids, making the hay and sunny days, so many things to keep me away from it. I am sometimes told that watercolor suits me better. Anyway I can't help loving to play with acrylic. Like by painting this acrylic a couple of weeks ago, from a sketch made in Ornans. I dare say that I'm quite happy with it.