15 secondes, c'est le temps maximum que je m'accorder pour faire un petit arrêt et prendre un croquis très rapide d'un élève en plein travail ...avant d'être interrompu par une de ses questions. J'aime ces petits moments. Les résultats ne sont pas toujours flatteurs, mais souvent étonnants.
15 seconds, that's what I allow myself to have a little break and make a superfast sketch of one of my students at work ...before being interrupted by one of his questions. I love these little moments. Results are not always flattering, but often stunning.
15 seconds, that's what I allow myself to have a little break and make a superfast sketch of one of my students at work ...before being interrupted by one of his questions. I love these little moments. Results are not always flattering, but often stunning.