J'ai suggéré à mes étudiants de dessiner des marionnettes, un sujet que je n'avais jamais abordé. Je me demandais si cela allait les intéresser. Ils ont bien aimé. Du coup, on va aller travailler directement au Musée de la Marionnette à Fribourg.
I suggested my students to sketch puppets, a subject I hadn't broached yet. I was wondering if this would interest them. They loved it actually. So, we are going to go to the Puppets Museum in Fribourg and work on the spot.
I suggested my students to sketch puppets, a subject I hadn't broached yet. I was wondering if this would interest them. They loved it actually. So, we are going to go to the Puppets Museum in Fribourg and work on the spot.