Jean-Pierre vient de prendre sa retraite de maître d'école et on a eu la bonne idée de me commander une aquarelle pour le fêter. Il y voulait la nouvelle et l'ancienne école et les enfants. Je les ai placés de manière à ce que le regard se dirige d'emblée sur eux. C'est ce qui était le plus important pour lui!
This is a work on commission to celebrate Jean-Pierre's retirement. What he wanted most were the kids, together with the old and the new schools. That's why I put them so that we are drawn to them directly. That's what matters most to him!
This is a work on commission to celebrate Jean-Pierre's retirement. What he wanted most were the kids, together with the old and the new schools. That's why I put them so that we are drawn to them directly. That's what matters most to him!
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