L'herbe est verte, l'eau est bleue, les troncs sont bruns et les toits sont rouges, n'est-ce pas? Et bien non, ça me fatigue plutôt et d'ailleurs ça ne correspond pas toujours à la réalité. Donc, pour peindre ce ciel d'hiver, je n'avais aucune envie d'y ajouter encore une couleur froide. Et j'ai préféré le peindre en teinte orangée, la couleur complémentaire. Et je ne m'en trouve pas plus mal!
Grass are green, water is blue, barks are brown and roofs are red, aren't they? I don't agree with that and I'm a bit fed up with it. What's more it's often not the reality. So, I opted for an orange color for this winter sky as I didn't want to give more coolness. I also choose orange because it's its complementary. And I found it not too bad!
Grass are green, water is blue, barks are brown and roofs are red, aren't they? I don't agree with that and I'm a bit fed up with it. What's more it's often not the reality. So, I opted for an orange color for this winter sky as I didn't want to give more coolness. I also choose orange because it's its complementary. And I found it not too bad!
La Cotze, Semsales. Acrylique sur toile. Acrylic on canvas. |