Dessiner un portrait est un exercice qui m'a toujours fasciné sans que j'ose vraiment m'y mettre. Donc, avant de commencer un prochain cours de dessin d'académie, j'ai décidé de m'y risquer et j'ai peint d'après photo un des mécaniciens d'Air Passion en plein travail. Encourageant!
Drawing a portrait is an exercice that has always fascinated and I didn't dare challenging it. So, before taking a drawing figure course I decided to take the risk and I painted from a photograph of this mechanic working for Air Passion. Encouraging!
Drawing a portrait is an exercice that has always fascinated and I didn't dare challenging it. So, before taking a drawing figure course I decided to take the risk and I painted from a photograph of this mechanic working for Air Passion. Encouraging!
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