Quelle que soit son orthographe, c'est une ville que j'ai eu beaucoup de peine à apprivoiser. Il faut dire que je ne suis pas citadin du tout, ce qui ne facilite pas. Ce qui m'a aidé, par contre, outre l'amabilité proverbiale des Népalais, ce sont les croquis. Faits en pleins bruits et abondante pollution quand même... En voici quelques-uns:
Whatever her spelling, it's a city I found it very difficult to "approach". I have to admit that I am not a city boy, which makes things tougher. What helped me though, in addition to the natural kindness of the Nepalese people, were my sketches. Made in a noisy and polluted surrounding anyway... Here are some:
Whatever her spelling, it's a city I found it very difficult to "approach". I have to admit that I am not a city boy, which makes things tougher. What helped me though, in addition to the natural kindness of the Nepalese people, were my sketches. Made in a noisy and polluted surrounding anyway... Here are some:
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