C'est la canicule! Bien à l'abri dans l'atelier, ce matin j'ai voulu travailler sur un sujet qui me rappelait des jours plus frais et, paradoxalement, c'est du côté de la Californie que je suis allé le chercher. Une petite masure dans le parc de Point Lobos, au sud de Carmel, un petit moment de fraîcheur revenu le temps d'une petite huile, d'une matinée.
It's pretty hot! Except in my studio where it's still cool in the morning. I wanted to paint something that remembered me of cooler days and, strange as it may seem, that's in California I was looking for it. A little shed in Point Lobos State Park, south of Carmel. Some fresh air to make this little oil painting this morning.
It's pretty hot! Except in my studio where it's still cool in the morning. I wanted to paint something that remembered me of cooler days and, strange as it may seem, that's in California I was looking for it. A little shed in Point Lobos State Park, south of Carmel. Some fresh air to make this little oil painting this morning.
Point Lobos. Huile sur toile. Oil in canvas. |
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