C'est en marchant ce printemps, le long des plages sauvages du Abbotts Lagoon, que je l'ai déniché, ce goût de paradis le printemps passé. Niché dans le Point Reyes National Seashore, à 50 km au nord de San Francisco, c'est l'endroit idéal pour vous balader loin des foules, proche d'une nature incroyable. Avec un peu de chance, vous pourrez croiser quelques autres marcheurs, mais ce n'est pas garanti...
This taste of paradise, that's along the wild beaches of Abbotts Lagoon I found it last spring. Nested in Point Reyes National Seashore, 50 km north of San Francisco, it's the ideal spot to hike away from the crowds, in the middle of a wonderful wilderness. If you are lucky, you may even come across other hikers, but it's not certain...
This taste of paradise, that's along the wild beaches of Abbotts Lagoon I found it last spring. Nested in Point Reyes National Seashore, 50 km north of San Francisco, it's the ideal spot to hike away from the crowds, in the middle of a wonderful wilderness. If you are lucky, you may even come across other hikers, but it's not certain...
En attendant d'en peindre davantage en plus grand. Peut-être... Waiting to paint something bigger from this sketch. Maybe... |
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