Ce blog est un complément à mon site www.atelierbdevaud.com, une petite invitation à visiter mon atelier et à partager mes travaux en cours. This blog is made in addition to my website www.atelierbdevaud, a kind of invitation to visit my studio and have a look at my current sketches and works as well.
jeudi 29 décembre 2016
samedi 24 décembre 2016
jeudi 22 décembre 2016
Suggérer les gens. Suggesting people.
J'aime bien ajouter des personnages dans mes aquarelles. Non seulement ils ajoutent de la vie, mais c'est un exercice avec des résultats parfois imprévisibles mais aussi amusants.
I love adding people in my watercolor backgrounds. Not only do they add life but also it's an exercise that gives sometimes unpredictable and sometimes funny results.
I love adding people in my watercolor backgrounds. Not only do they add life but also it's an exercise that gives sometimes unpredictable and sometimes funny results.
jeudi 15 décembre 2016
Entre nous. Between ourselves.
J'ai tout de suite été séduit par l'attitude de ces deux promeneurs le long de la plage. Complicité et intimité dans le froid et le vent que j'ai essayé de traduire par cette acrylique que, finalement, j'aime bien.
Those two walkers along the shore attracted me at once. Complicity and intimacy in the cold and the wind were something I tried to catch and paint in this acrylic. Things went well and I am quite happy with the result.
Extrait de mon calendrier 2017
From my 2017 calendar
Those two walkers along the shore attracted me at once. Complicity and intimacy in the cold and the wind were something I tried to catch and paint in this acrylic. Things went well and I am quite happy with the result.
Extrait de mon calendrier 2017
From my 2017 calendar
jeudi 8 décembre 2016
Vénitiens. Venetian.
Dessiner des personnages est quelque chose qui demande à être pratiqué souvent. Et c'est ce que je choisis de faire ces temps comme échauffement à mon atelier. Ici, j'ai puisé quelques sujets dans les photos, souvent en arrière-plans, que j'avais faites en juin à Venise.
Drawing figures is something one needs practising often. And that's what I have chosen to do to warm up recently in my studio. I dug into the photographs I made in June in Venice to work some Venetian people often lost in the backgrounds.
Drawing figures is something one needs practising often. And that's what I have chosen to do to warm up recently in my studio. I dug into the photographs I made in June in Venice to work some Venetian people often lost in the backgrounds.
jeudi 1 décembre 2016
Dessiner des oies et des canards. Sketching geese and ducks.
C'est une élève qui me l'avait demandé et j'ai été surpris de voir combien ces sujets se prêtaient bien à la prise de croquis. On voit tout de suite si ces animaux sont justes ou s'ils sont en déséquilibre. Très pratiques ces oies et ces canards!
That was a student of mine who had asked me to choose this subject. I was very surprised to see how nice they are as subjects. One can see at once if they are correct or out of balance. Very handy, these ducks and geese!
That was a student of mine who had asked me to choose this subject. I was very surprised to see how nice they are as subjects. One can see at once if they are correct or out of balance. Very handy, these ducks and geese!
jeudi 24 novembre 2016
Le soleil est dans l'atelier. The sun is in the studio
Venise Fondamenta Zerrete acryl |
Finally it doesn't really matter if it's grey outside as long as one can bring the sun into the studio by painting a subject one enjoyed last spring!
jeudi 17 novembre 2016
Je déteste le mois de novembre. I hate November.
Novembre est un des mois les moins aimés de beaucoup de personnes. Et
moi, je dois avouer qu'avec grisaille, problèmes et autres blues, je
serai content de tourner la page du calendrier. Je me sens un peu comme
ce bateau en cale sèche, le soleil en plus.
November is one the least prefered months by many people. As for me, I have to confess that with its greys, problems and blues I will be happy to turn the page of the calendar. I am feeling like a boat on blocks, plus the sun.
November is one the least prefered months by many people. As for me, I have to confess that with its greys, problems and blues I will be happy to turn the page of the calendar. I am feeling like a boat on blocks, plus the sun.
Chantier naval San Rafael San Rafael shipyard |
jeudi 10 novembre 2016
jeudi 3 novembre 2016
Mon calendrier 2017. My 2017 calendar.
Comme c'est devenu une habitude et qu'on me les demande déjà, je suis en train de faire imprimer mon calendrier 2017, représentant quelques-uns de mes travaux. Il est bientôt disponible et vous pouvez déjà le réserver au prix de Fr. 33.-, exécution de luxe, format 30x40 cm, édition limitée à 100 exemplaires. Pour vous ...ou pour un cadeau!
It's an habit and as I have already been asked about it, I have made my 2017 calendar printed, with some of my works. It's pretty soon available and you can already book it. The price is Fr 33.- each, luxury execution, size 30x40 cm, limited to 100 samples. For you ...or for a present!
It's an habit and as I have already been asked about it, I have made my 2017 calendar printed, with some of my works. It's pretty soon available and you can already book it. The price is Fr 33.- each, luxury execution, size 30x40 cm, limited to 100 samples. For you ...or for a present!
jeudi 27 octobre 2016
En se baladant à Vevey. Rambling in Vevey.
J'adore aller me balader à Vevey qui est à 20 minutes de voiture de chez moi. Non seulement, il fait toujours un peu plus chaud au bord du lac, mais il y a toujours quelque chose à se mettre sur le carnet de croquis. En voici deux, tout frais jetés hier après-midi.
I love rambling in Vevey that is within a twenty-minute drive from where I live. Not only it's warmer near the lake but there is also always something to sketch. Here are two quick drawings, the last "crop" of yesterday afternoon.
I love rambling in Vevey that is within a twenty-minute drive from where I live. Not only it's warmer near the lake but there is also always something to sketch. Here are two quick drawings, the last "crop" of yesterday afternoon.
jeudi 20 octobre 2016
Avant les couleurs de l'automne. Before the fall colors.
J'avais mis de côté ce croquis de terrain en me disant que je pourrais le compléter avec les couleurs et les lumières de l'automne. Maintenant qu'elles sont là, je me demande si c'est vraiment nécessaire de colorier l'arrière-plan...
I put aside this sketch and wondered if I could complete it when the colors and the lights of the fall came. Now that they are here I wonder if it's really necessary to add the background...
I put aside this sketch and wondered if I could complete it when the colors and the lights of the fall came. Now that they are here I wonder if it's really necessary to add the background...
jeudi 13 octobre 2016
jeudi 6 octobre 2016
jeudi 29 septembre 2016
On dirait le sud. It looks like the south.
Petite semaine de vacances au bord de la Méditerranée, histoire de bien débuter cet automne ou de garder un peu de chaud pour l'hiver. Nager, randonner, faire du vélo ...et dessiner, bien sûr!
"It looks like the south" is the title of a well-known French song, by Nino Ferrer. Pretty appropriate to this holiday week on the Mediterranean, as to start well this fall or to keep some warmth for the next winter. Swim, hike, bike ...and sketch, of course!
"It looks like the south" is the title of a well-known French song, by Nino Ferrer. Pretty appropriate to this holiday week on the Mediterranean, as to start well this fall or to keep some warmth for the next winter. Swim, hike, bike ...and sketch, of course!
Sur la plage On the beach |
J'aime cette maison perdue au milieu du village de vacances, faisant la nique aux promoteurs! |
jeudi 22 septembre 2016
Une question de choix. A matter of choice.
Un de mes étudiants a suggéré au groupe de travailler sur un sujet qu'il a découvert en Sicile, en fait une carte postale. J'ai proposé plutôt de l'adapter et en ai fait une démo. A chacun de l'accommoder ensuite à sa propre sauce, à son propre style! Pour ma part, je voulais surtout y ajouter davantage de lumière et supprimer quelques détails.
One of my students suggested to the group that we should work on a subject he found in Sicily, a postcard in fact. I suggested rather to adapt it and I made a demo. It's up to everybody to put its own style! As for me, what I wanted was to add some more light and supress some details.
One of my students suggested to the group that we should work on a subject he found in Sicily, a postcard in fact. I suggested rather to adapt it and I made a demo. It's up to everybody to put its own style! As for me, what I wanted was to add some more light and supress some details.
la carte postale the postcard |
la suggestion the suggestion |
jeudi 15 septembre 2016
Premiers portraits. First portraits.
Dessiner un portrait est un exercice qui m'a toujours fasciné sans que j'ose vraiment m'y mettre. Donc, avant de commencer un prochain cours de dessin d'académie, j'ai décidé de m'y risquer et j'ai peint d'après photo un des mécaniciens d'Air Passion en plein travail. Encourageant!
Drawing a portrait is an exercice that has always fascinated and I didn't dare challenging it. So, before taking a drawing figure course I decided to take the risk and I painted from a photograph of this mechanic working for Air Passion. Encouraging!
Drawing a portrait is an exercice that has always fascinated and I didn't dare challenging it. So, before taking a drawing figure course I decided to take the risk and I painted from a photograph of this mechanic working for Air Passion. Encouraging!
jeudi 8 septembre 2016
Mon atelier à 2 roues. My 2-wheel studio.
J'ai ces temps des problèmes avec mon genou qui m'invitent à rouler plus doucement. Alors pourquoi pas en profiter pour ajouter un mini-atelier à mon vélo et m'arrêter de temps en temps pour faire un croquis? Ces petites pauses ne sont pas désagréables du tout!
I have some problems with my knee that make me slow down. So why not making good use of it and put a kind of little studio to my bicycle and stop from time to time so that I can make a sketch? These little breaks are not disturbing in the least!
I have some problems with my knee that make me slow down. So why not making good use of it and put a kind of little studio to my bicycle and stop from time to time so that I can make a sketch? These little breaks are not disturbing in the least!
jeudi 1 septembre 2016
Des voitures. Cars.
Qu'on le veuille ou non, les voitures sont présentes dans bien des sujets de peinture. Alors, autant s'habituer à en croquer de temps en temps! En voici trois divers exemples au hasard de mon carnet.
Wheter you like them or not, cars are present in many painting subjects. So, better practise sketching them from time to time! Here are three samples from my sketchbook.
Wheter you like them or not, cars are present in many painting subjects. So, better practise sketching them from time to time! Here are three samples from my sketchbook.
Vieux car postal. Old post bus. |
En visitant l'expo Siffert. Visiting Siffert's show. |
Ajouter une légende |
jeudi 25 août 2016
Croquis rapides de 15 secondes. Fifteen-second sketches.
15 secondes, c'est le temps maximum que je m'accorder pour faire un petit arrêt et prendre un croquis très rapide d'un élève en plein travail ...avant d'être interrompu par une de ses questions. J'aime ces petits moments. Les résultats ne sont pas toujours flatteurs, mais souvent étonnants.
15 seconds, that's what I allow myself to have a little break and make a superfast sketch of one of my students at work ...before being interrupted by one of his questions. I love these little moments. Results are not always flattering, but often stunning.
15 seconds, that's what I allow myself to have a little break and make a superfast sketch of one of my students at work ...before being interrupted by one of his questions. I love these little moments. Results are not always flattering, but often stunning.
jeudi 18 août 2016
jeudi 11 août 2016
En préparant mes affaires pour l'atelier. While packing for my workshop.
Vite avant de préparer mon sac pour l'atelier que je donne aujourd'hui, juste le temps de glisser deux croquis faits hier en me baladant dans le Val d'Hérens, un coin à retenir!
Just before packing for today's workshop, I am posting these two sketches made yesterday while hiking Hérens Valley, a place to go back!
Just before packing for today's workshop, I am posting these two sketches made yesterday while hiking Hérens Valley, a place to go back!
St-Martin Valais |
Mase Valais |
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