C'est le temps de se mettre à l'heure d'été. Pour la peinture aussi. J'ai tourné la page de l'hiver en effectuant cette dernière commande. D'ailleurs, dès maintenant et jusqu'en automne, les visiteurs ne seront plus intéressés du tout aux sujets d'hiver. Donc, j'ai peint le sentier du littoral, au bord de la Méditerranée ...et j'ai ouvert les fenêtres de l'atelier.
It's time to change to summer time. As for the painting too. I turned the page of the winter by finishing this work on commission. Anyway, from now on and till fall, visitors won't be interested any more in winter subjects. So, I painted this trail along the Mediterranean ...and I opened the windows for my studio.
It's time to change to summer time. As for the painting too. I turned the page of the winter by finishing this work on commission. Anyway, from now on and till fall, visitors won't be interested any more in winter subjects. So, I painted this trail along the Mediterranean ...and I opened the windows for my studio.